MBA in Coaching

Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Coaching

Duration: 2 semesters

Credits: 60

Language: English

Applying for BSc/BA or other higher education

Tuition fee: 4000EUR/semester

Programme: Alfred Nobel Open Business School Switzerland & Collegium Humanum Warsaw Management University

The reason for establishment of this specialization was the need of coaches, mentors, leaders and managers to have a program where they could refresh and improve their knowledge and get modern information from this demanding field. It is necessary to work on personal growth and development to do the job of a coach, mentor or manager effectively. This specialization includes all the necessary background for these professions. Be it coaching and mentoring itself, coaching styles and skills, negotiation methods and development for coaches, mentors and managers. You can get the necessary inspiration for the job of a coach, mentor or leader from managers of successful companies.

MBA in Coaching postgraduate programme is designed to enable you to develop critically reflective coaching, mentoring and leadership skills that can be applied in a variety of settings. You will engage in and evaluate practical coaching and mentoring activities, explore and evaluate the potential impact of coaching and mentoring on individual and organisational performance and engage with the complex moral dimensions in coaching, mentoring and leadership.

Both coaching and mentoring activity are strongly associated with management and leadership. There are tensions between the concepts of leadership and management, which are again explored throughout the programme. In some instances both coaching and mentoring may be employed to contribute to the development of leaders and managers. In others, coaching and mentoring may be employed as part of the leadership or management function.

This programme will create opportunities for you to develop through practice a range of coaching and mentoring skills and techniques, and enable the development of a critical understanding of issues related to the design and implementation of coaching and mentoring schemes.

The programme is delivered in such a way that you are encouraged to utilise your professional and work based context as a resource in which to practice and develop your skills in coaching and mentoring. You will be supported throughout the programme to develop appropriate ‘ground rules’, both in the learning context and the professional / work based context and to explore ethical issues.

Much of the learning is developed through the establishment of collaborative learning communities of programme participants and tutors – and you will become part of that community of learning. Your understanding is developed around the key skills, processes and practices of coaching, mentoring and leadership. Solutions to real problems are suggested, discussed and analysed within the learning community with the support of tutors and fellow learners.

The programme is international in its design and engages with themes on an international basis. Many different cultural contexts are utilised to help provide the setting for discussions.

On completion of the programme, you will be able to critically evaluate a range of theories and models relating to organisations, coaching, mentoring and leadership and apply these to real life situations in order to inform your decision making. The network that you will develop over the duration of the programme often continues to be a supportive and strong community of practice post-graduation.

Training is provided online with lectures, videos, and consultant assistance.

The course ends with the submission of a thesis and its defense.


  • submit an application form
  • submit a copy of your qualification
  • CV


MODULES: Credit numbers:


  1. Ethics and Standards 5
  2. Establishing the Coaching Agreement 8
  3. Establishing Trust and Intimacy with the Client 8
  4. Coaching Presence 4
  5. Active Listening 3
  6. Powerful Questioning 5
  7. Direct Communication 5
  8. Creating Awareness 5
  9. Designing Actions 3
  10. Planning and Goal Setting 5
  11. Managing Progress and Accountability 4
  12. Principles and practice of coaching and mentoring 5