DBA in Coaching

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) in Coaching

Duration: 2 semesters

Credits: 60

Language: English

Applying for MSc/MBA or other higher education

Tuition fee: 5000EUR/semester

Programme: Alfred Nobel Open Business School Switzerland & Collegium Humanum Warsaw Management University

The overarching aim of the qualification is to develop knowledge, understanding and skill in coaching and mentoring, so these techniques can be used effectively in and across organisations operating in the fields of business and education. The qualification will establish the connection between coaching, mentoring and the achievement of personal and organisational goals. It will provide the opportunity for learners to develop knowledge and understanding in both mentoring and coaching techniques.

In addition, the units will provide opportunities for application of the learning leading to improved performance in the role of coach and mentor and the work with individuals in either a business context or an education/training context. These opportunities can be applied to staff working at different levels in the organisations. This will facilitate embedding of improved practice leading to higher levels of personal development from those being coached or mentored and subsequently higher achievement of business goals and institutional success. This can lead to the development of an institutional culture of coaching and mentoring.

DBA in Coaching postgraduate programme is designed to enable you to develop critically reflective coaching, mentoring and leadership skills that can be applied in a variety of settings. You will engage in and evaluate practical coaching and mentoring activities, explore and evaluate the potential impact of coaching and mentoring on individual and organisational performance and engage with the complex moral dimensions in coaching, mentoring and leadership.

The programme is international in its design and engages with themes on an international basis. Many different cultural contexts are utilised to help provide the setting for discussions.

On completion of the programme, you will be able to critically evaluate a range of theories and models relating to organisations, coaching, mentoring and leadership and apply these to real life situations in order to inform your decision making. The network that you will develop over the duration of the programme often continues to be a supportive and strong community of practice post-graduation.

This qualification is therefore designed to provide:

  • opportunities for learners to develop a breadth of knowledge and understanding of subject matter related to the role of coach and mentor
  • development of underpinning skills, personal qualities and attitudes essential for success in these roles
  • units that provide the opportunity to apply the learning and develop skills in coaching and mentoring
  • support for achievement of personal and organisational goals and the development of an organisational culture on coaching and mentoring to improve performance
  • a base for continued learning and a desire to constantly develop as an individual, further improving knowledge, understanding and skills.

We offer a Coaching and Mentoring DBA programme for senior managers, executives and functional or operational managers. These programmes have been specifically designed to accompany major changes within companies, drive transformation, innovate, meet future challenges and build a strategic vision for each sector.


Our alumni leave this programme equipped to be great leaders, to address global economic challenges, and to help build more ethical companies which will help solve the problems our society faces today.


Training is provided online with lectures, videos, and consultant assistance.

The course ends with the submission of a thesis and its defense.


  • submit an application form
  • submit a copy of your qualification
  • CV


After course students can use DBA or Dr.BA title AFTER name.


The diploma is recognized and students can get Apostille.



MODULES: Credit numbers:

  1. Principles and practice of coaching and mentoring 10
  2. Personal development for coaches and mentors 5
  3. Coaching for business/organisational improvement 5
  4. Mentoring business/organisation professionals 5
  5. Managing mentoring or coaching in organisations 10
  6. Coaching education professionals 5
  7. Mentoring education professionals 5
  8. Powerful questioning 5
  9. Direct Communication 5
  10. Planning and Goal Setting 5